snippets ;
All i have are words to take your heart away.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Date: 24th July 2015
Time: 8.30pm
Venue: Putra Indoor Stadium

Yes, crazy fan here if you didn't already know. It just wasn't easy accepting that we did not watch the Malaysian concert. How could we not go?

And they did add another day to the concert, so there we were. It was crazy hectic as it was again held on the same day some famous football team was here. Seeing that we don't have the convenience and ease of public transport, you can imagine how congested the roads were. Added to the fact that it was a Friday, a lot of people were rushing over for the game.

We should have gone as early as we could but that ended up not happening. Thank the heavens that the cars I double parked were able to wriggle out and I didn't have to leave the concert because of them.

I'm sure you know how I feel about the concert by now. I believe I said it was amazing, mind blowing, crazy good. Well, it was twice that since I watched it for the second time. :D

One thing stood out, Malaysian VIPs really really love Daesung. It seemed like everyone screamed the loudest for him, it was adorable. I'm glad everyone's crazy over him.

The fans were definitely louder and more passionate in Malaysia. Probably because we don't see them as often as our neighbours. The colours of their outfits were different, but other than that, they delivered a stellar performance. 

The concert ended and I left with a heavy heart, empty pocket but a full heart of just Big Bang awesomeness. It was the best Friday of my 2015.

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