snippets ;
All i have are words to take your heart away.
foreign friends in a foreign world.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
New Year's 2013.

the program i went not only brought me to Korea but introduced me to so many other cultures, people and countries. it was really one stone and many birds. ヾ(*´∇`)ノ my colleagues/friends in English Cafe were from Cambodia. there were Nay, Sopheak and Audourm. Nay is kinda the boss/supervisor/manager of English Cafe; a really awesome guy, super kind and fun to dance with. haha. 

I wasn't very close to Sopheak unfortunately. i could tell that she was a very nice person but something was wrong with me, i think. face problem? >< haha, not really. i think i was intimidated by her because she was the better version of the person i wanted to be. does that make sense? anyway, my own pride got in the way of making a possibly good friend. <(。_。)> i am reflecting and learning from this.

Audourm is very motivated and passionate person. he is a very admirable person who has big dreams and means to achieve them. seriously, he is a great guy and i'm very proud and glad to have made his acquaintance. i'll vote for you if you run for president! (●´∀`●)

Malaysians and Cambodians.

during the second semester, English Cafe hired two new students since Sopheak and Audourm left and thus, we have Henry from Ecuador and Victor from Ghana. God was good because without them, i would have been friendless, sad, alone and depressed. so when they came to work, i spent a lot of time with them as our shifts were almost always the same. we had dinner together most days and i went to church with Victor and drinking with Henry. (*´・v・) i am really really grateful for them because going through that time on my own was just not feasible nor advisable. they really were my saviors and 오빠 or is it ahjusshis? ㅋㅋㅋ

Victor, me, Henry @ Dadaepo.

this is Jody from Jamaica, doing her masters on family psychology in Silla. it seems i have no other adjective to describe people other than nice. haha. in Jody, i see a confidence i wish i have. she's also fun to be with. (●⌒∇⌒●)

Alex from Romania. i will always remember her as my dance partner. 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) the fact that we danced to a Lee Hom song is amazing. who would have thought that Cockney Girl will play in Korea and danced to by two foreign girls? 대박! and she's so pweeetty too!

푸푸. i think its super cute that people call him Pu Pu cus Koreans can't pronounce the F sound. his name is Fuad but he had to improvise and ended up being called Pu Pu. i think he's a lady killer, the way he plays the guitar and all the girls that he's always hanging out with.ㅋㅋㅋ

Yan Yee! i cannot forget her, also i am forever indebted to her. 언니 was so so kind and so so nice to me especially after the break up. she was a friend when i had none and i am so so grateful for all the times she teman me to the hospital and helped out by translating. plus she bought me lots of food and even helped me with my make up. i hope she gets married to a super nice and good looking guy soon! hehe.

 i think this is about it. there's still some things that i have not blogged about Korea yet. will get to that soon but now the bed calls out to me. (∪。∪)。。。zzz

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves 

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