snippets ;
All i have are words to take your heart away.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

i have been away for far too long, haven't i? guess this is what happens when people fall in love. haha. /justjoking. other than spending time with him playing ping pong and sitting in the cafeteria till its 12am drinking strawberry milk and being hugged /heeeeeeehitscoldalright ^^, the last exciting things that happened were Cultural Day and snow(!).

Cultural Day went well, everybody had fun and hopefully they understand a little bit more about Malaysia.

and then, there was snow! like literally snow falling out of the sky. :D 

it was an awesome day, to feel snow falling on your head, make snowmen and throw snowballs at people.

and most importantly, to have spent this wonderful magical moment with him. ^^

this winter and the coming Christmas has just been made perfect.

this is it for now. gooodnight, sweet dreams and God bless!


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