snippets ;
All i have are words to take your heart away.
the true meaning of holiday.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

remember my previous post where i mentioned having a wonderful holiday? well, if having having a wonderful holiday means sore feet, little girls sitting on you and having them waking you up too early for it to be even considered a holiday is wonderful, then i am having the best time of my life.

i've been in Spore for 3 days and i am absolutely tired out. the little girls aka my 3 nieces are possessive, loud and hyperactive, everything little girls are supposed to be, i guess. its 11:46 pm right now and if you know me, this is definitely not a time where i want to just drop into my bed and fall dead sleep especially since its a hoilday but that is exactly what i would love to do. they have been waking us up every morning well before the time we want to wake up, running here and there and bringing me with them, sitting on me, climbing on me, asking me to draw? lol.
they're adorable really.

Martina: I love you.
Me: I love you too. I love you more.
Martina: I love you more too.

they'll climb into my lap and hug me before they go to bed. but i think i'll be glad when my ten days of holiday ends in Spore. ><

shopping has been succesful here too, especially for my sis. the sore feet however have not been getting better. so far, we've only been to Orchard Road. too bad, we couldn't stay there till the night when the lights turn on.

this pic was taken when we we were in Plaza Singapura today. Jay Chou and Lin Chi Ling were gonna be there at 7 pm. we didn't stay for them though.

that's the update for now. i'm going off to bed. it'll be another tiring day tmr.
goodnight everyone!
God Bless!
p.s there's two more weeks to school.
p.p.s what's that gotta do with me? ^^


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