snippets ;
All i have are words to take your heart away.
lets go WEST!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
i think my memories have all just been erased after seeing them in suits. yes yes, BIG BANG in suits, looking extraordinarily sexayyy. ((: i can hardly think straight now.

and also i am really sleepy right now, so i'll elaborate tomorrow but for now, i'll say "Yay, i got Jill's Ipod Nano cus she got an Ipod Touch. =.=" and i have aches all over. not to mention i have the worst sunburn and Amazing Race was excruciatingly tiring but fun and i take back my words on not wanting to ever join it again. xP then with the car wash this morning, i am totally drained out. been walking around like i'm some kind of old lady, can't even sneeze without pain. uhh.

so i'll leave you with this, their latest album pics.


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